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Titan AERO fra E3D
Extruder uten motor eller Bowden adapter, med hotend!, med vifte! med termistor + cartridge heater!
Er med en 0,4mm dyse og en blokk med silikonhette
Brand: E3D (UK)
By using a 3:1 gearing ratio, precision-milled hobbs, and an adjustable idler lever, Titan is a powerful extruder whilst also being lightweight and compact.
The 3:1 gear ratio means you’re able to use lighter motors as you’ll need less torque for the same filament pushing force – so direct drive setups have a lighter moving carriage, and Bowden setups become powerful, reliable printers when combined with an E3D V6 HotEnd.
Titan works well for all configurations, Bowden, direct, 1.75 mm and 2 85 mm. To switch between filament diameters, all that’s required is to replace the filament guide and the Bowden adaptor/ HotEnd.
Extruders with high gear ratios often fail with rapid retracts and struggle with keeping up with the Volcano heater block. Titan’s balanced gearing ratio of 3:1 means that you can cope with fast extrusion situations like Volcano and the lightweight gear-set gives snappy retractions.
Direct drive extruders can have issues with ‘pulsing’ flow due to the lower resolution of the gearing and hobb teeth, this can result in a wavy surface finish, becoming particularly prevalent when printing with low layer heights. Using a 3:1 gearing ratio triples the resolution of the system, allowing smoother printing at the lowest of layer heights, using the smallest of nozzles.