Slice Engineering Mosquito Boron Nitride Thermal Conductive Paste 3D Printing

259 kr

Tilgjengelighet 1 på lager


Boron Nitride is so effective, that NASA is experimenting with it in high temperature applications on their spacecraft for the first manned mission to Mars.

How is this related to 3D printing you may ask?

Well, this paste elevates heat conduction between components, ensuring that your printer is working at maximum capacity — giving your hot block the even heat distribution it needs to deliver the highest quality print in the shortest amount of time. Also, unlike anti-seize compounds, Boron Nitride is not electrically conductive, which eliminates the risk of shorting out your heater cartridge or thermistor.

The boron nitride particles in our compound are in an aqueous suspension. Once it’s heated, the liquid portion of the suspension evaporates, leaving behind a crumbly, clay-like paste. This paste has a tightly packed crystalline microstructure, and is extremely conductive (31.4 W/mK at 100 °C).

Those properties make it an ideal candidate for NASA, and an ideal candidate for your printer.

Bring a little space technology to your printer, and get better heat conduction.

Perfekt i kombinasjon sammen med mosquito eller kopperhead hotend
Brukes sammen med varmekolbe og sensor for å gi best mulig heattransfer


  • Termisk pasta for forbedret konduktivitet

  • Fungerer som “release-agent”

  • I forskjell til mange andre pastaer, så er ikke Boron Nitride elektrisk konduktiv. Dette eliminerer risikoen for kortslutning av sensorer eller varmekolbe.

  • Bruk den inkluderte applikatoren til å coate innsiden av hullet til varmekolben. Sett inn varmekolben mens pastaen fremdeles er våt, og la den tørke.

  • Stabil opp til 1000 °C.

  • Documentation: CAD Files, SDS, & More | Slice Engineering
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